My name is Martin Stembridge and I have been a professional photographer for nearly 25 years so I appreciate how important your family memories are.

We all have treasured moments on old VHS tapes, camcorder tapes and snapshots of special occasions on slides or film, but for most of us these are just collecting dust and worse still will be degrading over time.

Years ago I set myself the project of digitising all our family videos and pictures that were gathering dust in the loft. My first issue was that over time and the conditions they had been kept in had resulted in them degrading quite badly. Lofts and attics are very bad environments for tapes and films as the temperature is very erratic and there is often lots of moisture in the air.

I managed to salvage all the footage and images and we spent the next weeks reminiscing and reliving past times that would have been lost for ever.

Since then everybody who hears about our service suddenly appears with an old carrier bag full of tapes they need converting. There is nothing better than hearing from customers how happy they are that they can now re watch all their old tapes and send them to friends and family in the knowledge that they are preserved for the future.