6 Stanford Hall Crescent, Ramsbottom, Bury. BL0 9FD

We’re open – Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

How do I send my tapes to you ?

Please send your tapes to us recorded/tracked post. When you post your tapes put a note in with them detailing your order number, full name, address and contact telephone numbers. This is vitally important as we get 100’s of tapes per week, if there are no details in with them I will have no idea who’s they are from and this will delay your order.

How do you work out the price for copying a tape ?

The prices quoted are for copying 1 tape/reel. The amount of footage on the tape/reel is irrelevant. Some tapes have 10 minutes on and yet others can have up to 6 hours of footage on them. We could not price according to the amount of footage to be copied so we work on the basis that some take us a short time but some take much longer.

Can you copy copyright DVDs or tapes ?

The law allows the owner of a copyright DVD or tape to make a copy to another format as long as its still to be used for their personal use only. So the short answer is yes we can.

How long does the transfer process take ?

This relies on how fast we get your tapes. When we get your tapes they join the current queue and will be done in order. All video is transferred in real time so it can not be rushed. Larger orders of longer tapes will take longer. If you do have a specific deadline you are working to, such as an anniversary or birthday please Contact Us, we will do everything we can to help. I will keep you posted where I can and if you want an update on your order please send me a message.

Do you return the tapes to me ?

The price quoted is for us to transfer one tape to digital format, this does not include return postage for the tapes. Most people are happy for us to keep the tapes for a period of time so you can check the DVD or USB (No point keeping tapes that you can never play again). Once you are happy with the transfer (and made a copy) we can the dispose of the tapes for you. If you do want that tapes back then we will only charge you the cost of postage to return them.

Can I edit the the tape transfer files ?

We offer 2 tape transfer services. Transfer to DVD and transfer to USB. Whilst DVD’s can be converted into editable files its our USB option that is easiest to edit at home. The file on the USB is MP4 format and easily editable on all free and paid for video software.

My tapes have white mould on them ?

We are seeing more and more tapes effected by mould. Mould growth is encouraged by warm damp conditions. The spores eat in to the oxide coating on the tape and in really bad cases can cause the tape to stick to itself. Whilst we do endeavour to clean and transfer mouldy tapes it is not always possible. Extreme mould on the tapes and tapes where the tape is sticking to itself may be unrepairable. Also note that even if we do make a transfer the picture quality is often degraded.

The tape is broken, what can be done ?

We get lots of broken tapes, most tapes have broken for a reason. If the tape has broken because of severe degradation or white mould then we can splice them together and try to clean the tape but often it will break again. If it has broken because it has been damaged in a player and the tape is in decent condition then we can usually join the tape and transfer it as usual. Obviously when a tape has been broken and re joined there will be a break in the recording and a certain amount of the recording will be lost. To date I have never given up on a tape, I have always managed to get most of the recording.

My tape has TV recordings on it ?

Whilst the price does not include editing, unless otherwise instructed we assume that you only want the “Personal recordings”.  If there are standard TV recordings at the endo of the tape we will crop these out for you.

What is a tape is blank ?

If we come across a tape that is totally blank then we will refund you the cost of copying that tape.

My question is not coverd here ?

If you have any query not covered here then please use the contact form or give us a ring and we will happily answer and issues you have.

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